Saturday, January 16, 2010

Macromedia Flash: How to control dynamic movieclip from external swf?

I have 2 swf files, says main.swf and child.swf.

First, main.swf will call loadMovie function to load child.swf.

Child.swf is to provide the input panel (e.g. input textfield, rotation angle etc) for user to create various dynamical movieclips (named: Instance0, Instance1, Instance2, ......) in main.swf according to their data setting or modify the setting for the created movieclips.

The movieclips are created successfully in main.swf.

When the user click the movieclip, then their properties (like text, rotation angle etc) can pass to child.swf.

Here come a question. How can I modify the properties (e.g. rotation angle) for selected movieclip in child.swf?

coz I can't convert the movieclip name (e.g. Instance1) to the path for AS.

Thanks for help!


Simplify what I say...

_level0.InstanceX._rotation = myvar;

How can I change the value of X in AS? (I think it's impossible, right... ai....)

Thanks!Macromedia Flash: How to control dynamic movieclip from external swf?
I'm not sure but try this

on (release) {loadMovie(URL);

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