Saturday, January 16, 2010

AS3 question about controlling a dynamic child movieclip?

sorry, I couldn't find a very simple answer on any as3 forums so I went here...

I add a child to the stage through code, I want to gotoAndStop at a certain frame within that child's timeline. how do I reference that child?

and why does this work:

getChildAt(0).y = 1;

but this doesn't:

getChildAt(0).gotoAndStop(4);AS3 question about controlling a dynamic child movieclip?
so u've exported the MovieClip for actionscript given it a Class name.

Use this code:

//declare a new variable to create ur movieClip

var myMovieClip:MovieClip = new MovieClip();

//add Child to the display list


//to control the movieClip, type a period followed by Method/property


That should work, if the main timeline is stopped on that frame as well.


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